Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leg Pain

Really!  This one is hard to believe.  A lady presented with leg pain, groin pain, knee pain and a walk like Chester from Gunsmoke.  I sat with her in a free consult and asked what had happened to lead her here today.  Two hip replacements, a knee they were injecting with rooster stuff  (Person #2 who didn't assess), recent back injections for pain, (person #3 who didn't assess).  I stood her up and she leaned to the right with all of her weight.  Asked a simple question did they leave you short in that hip?  "Yes, but no one wants to admit to it.  But my last session with the PT, he mentioned it and gave me a lift he had handy."  (Person #1 who did assess but didn't help!)

One year later, she is at a loss with the constant enduring pain.  I went and tore up a cardboard box lid and put under her foot and keep layering until she felt even.  "Wow that took the pain out of my leg immediately."

We did fascia work, heat around the hip rotators, light traction to the leg and kept the cardboard for the moment in her shoe.  She walked out with a flex in the knee instead of the slamming back she walked in with.  Sent her to a shoe maker, gave her some home suggestions that her husband can help out with.

She is looking forward to walking more normal and having less knee and back pain. 

All I can say is REALLY!  How can the medical society keep overlooking the basics?  A 1/2 inch leg length would make any of us walk like Chester. 

"If you don't assess you simply guess"

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