I was helping out at the CranioCradle booth for the 3 days. I touched many lives and one in particular stood out enough to write about. She shared with me that her husband was legally deaf from an accident and that she had just graduated massage school. Since working with him with her limited skills and knowledge he was able at times to go without the hearing aides. She asked me about his forward head posture and the types of therapies she should take in the future to continue to help him. I explained the role of SCM over working as he was overworking to hear someone. Go ahead, lean your ear to listen closely as someone whispers. That is using the SCM, scalenes, traps, etc. So what would help? NMT for head, neck, and TMJ work, Craniosacral therapy, muscle energy, entire fascial lines, cupping, heat, body retraining for posture, craniocradle, ATM for Cervical and that is just to name a few. I told her to keep adding to her tool box every chance she got because you just never know which technique or combo will do the trick.
Happy educating to all
Its A REALITY THAT AFTER COMPLETING GRADUATION ALL American students scatter to various regions of the state in search of their first job. Students from eastern college’s moves toward western regions and similarly students from western colleges go to eastern regions and beest essays are there to help.